Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diets that Work

If you were to do an internet search for diets that work, you may come up with a variety of diets, each promising that they are the one to help you lose the weight you desire to lose. While I am a believer in the effectiveness of low-carb dieting, I am not real crazy about fad diets, each promising to be the way to weight loss heaven. I believe that most diets that work are based upon the premise of burning off more calories than you take in. For most people, the diet that works is a diet where the calorie intake is cut and the calorie burning is increased through an exercise program that is performed on a regualr basis. The key thing is getting started on such a program and sticking with it, the power of sticking with a diet and exercise program can not be emphasized enough. I am not saying that special fad diets cannot help people achieve their weight loss goals, they can; but, the tried and true principle of burning off more calories than we take in is a formula for losing weight that is easy to incorporate as not only a diet, but a way of life. Additionally, by losing weight this way, it is easier to eat a healthier well balanced diet. So if you are looking for a diet that works, try counting calories taken in and those you burn off as well.

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