Monday, October 11, 2010

How to Circuit Train

One type of workout that can help an individual lose weight, build muscle and get a good aerobic workout as well is circuit training. Circuit training is consists of going from one exercise to the next, with very little rest in between exercises. While sometimes in weight training, there is a rest between exercises, in circuit training people go from one exercise to the next. This pushes muscles, burns off calories and raises the heart rate at the same time.

Developing a Good Circuit Workout
Circuit training can be done with a variety of exercises, people considering starting a circuit training program should look for or develop one that works for them. People have different resources available, different physical limitations and different reasons for working out, so in starting a circuit training program, people should seek one that fits in with their lifestyle.

 Circuit Training Workouts Using Body Weight Resistance
There are different ways of doing a circuit workout, the main thing in doing circuit training is to move from one exercise to the next to keep the body working the whole time. One way of circuit training is for a person to use their own body weight. An example of this type of workout could be:
  1. Start off with 10 push ups
  2. Go immediately to 15 crunches followed by 15 leg lifts
  3. Then on the feet for 25 jumping jacks
  4. Followed by 10 chin-ups
  5. Then 10 lunges
  6. Then 15 squat thrusts
After completing these exercises, take a few deep breaths and begin again. For starters, individuals should do 2 sets, then work towards 3 to 4 sets. The amount of repetitions should increase until person is doing the most that they can do each exercise, with the exception of crunches and jumping jacks, which someone could possibly do a great number of before giving out. For people who are really wanting a real good workout, after getting used to workout, substitute jumping rope for jumping jacks.

This is just a sample circuit training workout, there are many variations and combinations that an individual can incorporate into their circuit training.

Being Consistent with Circuit training
As with any exercise program, it is important to work our consistently with a circuit training program. Most recommend working out three to four times a week with any exercise program that you choose, taking ample time for rest and recovery.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diets that Work

If you were to do an internet search for diets that work, you may come up with a variety of diets, each promising that they are the one to help you lose the weight you desire to lose. While I am a believer in the effectiveness of low-carb dieting, I am not real crazy about fad diets, each promising to be the way to weight loss heaven. I believe that most diets that work are based upon the premise of burning off more calories than you take in. For most people, the diet that works is a diet where the calorie intake is cut and the calorie burning is increased through an exercise program that is performed on a regualr basis. The key thing is getting started on such a program and sticking with it, the power of sticking with a diet and exercise program can not be emphasized enough. I am not saying that special fad diets cannot help people achieve their weight loss goals, they can; but, the tried and true principle of burning off more calories than we take in is a formula for losing weight that is easy to incorporate as not only a diet, but a way of life. Additionally, by losing weight this way, it is easier to eat a healthier well balanced diet. So if you are looking for a diet that works, try counting calories taken in and those you burn off as well.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weight Training Workouts

As you try to whip your body into shape, weight training workouts can be an ideal way to achieve your fitness goal. Lifting weights can burn calories and can build and tone your muscles. Additionally, as you build muscles, your muscles burn more fat, you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. Here is a a sample of a weight training workout.
Here are some bodybuilding exercises for building certain muscles.
Biceps exercises may be preacher curls with barbells or dumbbells, standing barbell curls or standing or seated dumbbell curls.
14 Chest exercises can be slant or flat bench press, slant dumbbell flays or flat bench dumbbell flays.
Back exercises include seated cable row, lat pull down or weighted pull ups, dead lift, bent over 1 arm dumbbell row and bent over barbell row.
Triceps exercises include dips, press down French press and for calve raises or squats for the legs.
Shoulder exercises can include lateral raises and shrugs or standing or seated military press with dumbbells or barbells.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Losing Weight Fast

As humans we sure can put on weight fast, but it does not come off quite as easy. However, most of us who are overweight want to lose weight fast, we want to  be skinny and we want to now. One of the most effective ways that I have found to lose weight fast is through a low carb, high protein diet. If a person can manage to restrict their carbohydrate intake to less than 20 grams a day and consume virtually 0 grams of sugar, the weight usually starts coming off pretty fast. This happens through a process where your body due to the lack of carbohydrates begins to burn fat as energy. This diet was made famous by the late Dr. Atkins. The South Beach also is a low carb diet, but is a healthier than the Atkins diet due to a restriction on fatty foods. In my opinion, a low carb diet such as the Atkins diet is a good jump start for your diet and will help you lose weight fast, but for the long term a person seek a more balanced diet, that is not really a diet but a way of life.